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OfxAccountData Struct Reference

Detailed Description

An abstraction of an account.

The OfxAccountData structure gives information about a specific account, including it's type, currency and unique id.

Definition at line 148 of file inc/libofx.h.

OFX mandatory elements

The OFX spec defines the following elements as mandatory. The associated variables should all contain valid data but you should not trust the servers. Check if the associated *_valid is true before using them.

enum  AccountType {
char account_id [OFX_ACCOUNT_ID_LENGTH]
char account_name [OFX_ACCOUNT_NAME_LENGTH]
int account_id_valid
enum OfxAccountData::AccountType account_type
int account_type_valid
char currency [OFX_CURRENCY_LENGTH]
int currency_valid

OFX mandatory elements

The OFX spec defines the following elements as mandatory. The associated variables should all contain valid data but you should not trust the servers. Check if the associated *_valid is true before using them.

enum  AccountType {
enum OfxAccountData::AccountType account_type

Public Types

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum OfxAccountData::AccountType

account_type tells you what kind of account this is. See the AccountType enum

Enumeration values:
OFX_CHECKING  A standard checking account
OFX_SAVINGS  A standard savings account
OFX_MONEYMRKT  A money market account
OFX_CREDITLINE  A line of credit
OFX_CMA  Cash Management Account
OFX_CREDITCARD  A credit card account
OFX_INVESTMENT  An investment account

Definition at line 170 of file libofx-0.6.5/inc/libofx.h.

enum OfxAccountData::AccountType

account_type tells you what kind of account this is. See the AccountType enum

Enumeration values:
OFX_CHECKING  A standard checking account
OFX_SAVINGS  A standard savings account
OFX_MONEYMRKT  A money market account
OFX_CREDITLINE  A line of credit
OFX_CMA  Cash Management Account
OFX_CREDITCARD  A credit card account
OFX_INVESTMENT  An investment account

Definition at line 170 of file inc/libofx.h.

Field Documentation

char OfxAccountData::account_id

The account_id is actually built from for a bank account, and for a credit card account. account_id is meant to be computer-readable. It is a worldwide OFX unique identifier wich can be used for account matching, even in system with multiple users.

Definition at line 160 of file libofx-0.6.5/inc/libofx.h.

Referenced by ofx_proc_account_cb().

char OfxAccountData::account_name

The account_id_name is a string meant to allow the user to identify the account. Currently it is for a bank account and a credit card account an : for investment accounts. account_id_name is not meant to be computer-readable and is not garanteed to be unique.

Definition at line 166 of file libofx-0.6.5/inc/libofx.h.

Referenced by ofx_proc_account_cb().

enum OfxAccountData::AccountType OfxAccountData::account_type

account_type tells you what kind of account this is. See the AccountType enum

enum OfxAccountData::AccountType OfxAccountData::account_type

account_type tells you what kind of account this is. See the AccountType enum

Referenced by OfxAccountContainer::add_attribute(), ofx_proc_account_cb(), and ofx_proc_statement_cb().

char OfxAccountData::currency

The currency is a string in ISO-4217 format

Definition at line 180 of file libofx-0.6.5/inc/libofx.h.

Referenced by ofx_proc_account_cb().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
Generated on Fri Sep 12 00:35:47 2003 for LibOFX by doxygen 1.3.3