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LibOFX developer's manual


This is the documentation for the LibOFX library and it's utilities. It should always be up to date since it is generated directly from the source files using Doxygen. This documentation covers the internals as well as the API of libofx. Before you dive into this documentation, you should have read the README and the other files included at the top level of the distribution.

Quick links

These are the most important sections of the doc. The rest covers the library internals and is a work in progress. The documentation for the different functions is mostly complete, but documention for the objects is not.

API documentation

If you are only interested in the API. It's covered entirely in the libofx.h section.

ofxdump documentation

The user documentation for the ofxdump utility is on the ofxdump.cpp page.

ofx2qif documentation

The user documentation for the ofx2qif converter is on the ofx2qif.c page.


Web Site

News about LibOFX as well as the latest version can always be found at


If you have any questions not covered in this documentation or the web site, do not hesitate to email me:

Benoit Grégoire

Generated on Fri Sep 12 00:35:46 2003 for LibOFX by doxygen 1.3.3