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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002           ofx_preproc.cpp 
00003                              -------------------
00004     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Benoit Grégoire
00005     email                :
00006 ***************************************************************************/
00012 /***************************************************************************
00013  *                                                                         *
00014  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00015  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00016  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00017  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00018  *                                                                         *
00019  ***************************************************************************/
00020 #include <iostream>
00021 #include <fstream>
00022 #include <stdlib.h>
00023 #include <stdio.h>
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include "ParserEventGeneratorKit.h"
00026 #include "libofx.h"
00027 #include "messages.hh"
00028 #include "ofx_sgml.hh"
00029 #include "ofx_preproc.hh"
00031 using namespace std;
00032 const unsigned int READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
00034 int ofx_proc_file(int argc, char *argv[])
00035 {
00036   bool ofx_start=false;
00037   bool ofx_end=false;
00039   ifstream input_file;
00040   ofstream tmp_file;
00041   char buffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
00042   char tmp;
00043   string s_buffer;
00044   char *filenames[3];
00045   char tmp_filename[50];
00046   char filename_dtd[255];
00047   char filename_ofx[255];
00049   if(argc >= 2){
00050     message_out(DEBUG, string("ofx_proc_file():Opening file: ")+argv[1]);
00053     strncpy(tmp_filename,"/tmp/libofxtmpXXXXXX",50);
00054     mkstemp(tmp_filename);
00057     message_out(DEBUG,"ofx_proc_file(): Creating temp file: "+string(tmp_filename));
00058     if(!input_file){
00059       message_out(ERROR,"ofx_proc_file():Unable to open the input file "+string(argv[1]));
00060     }
00061     else if(!tmp_file){
00062       message_out(ERROR,"ofx_proc_file():Unable to open the output file "+string(tmp_filename));
00063     }
00064     else
00065       {
00066         do{
00067           input_file.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer),'\n');
00068           //cout<<buffer<<"\n";
00069           s_buffer.assign(buffer);
00070           //cout<<"input_file.gcount(): "<<input_file.gcount()<<" sizeof(buffer): "<<sizeof(buffer)<<endl;
00071           if(input_file.gcount()<(sizeof(buffer)-1))
00072             {
00073               s_buffer.append("\n");
00074             }
00075           else if( !input_file.eof()&&
00076             {
00077               input_file.clear();
00078             }
00079           int ofx_start_idx;
00080           if(ofx_start==false&&((ofx_start_idx=s_buffer.find("<OFX>"))!=string::npos||(ofx_start_idx=s_buffer.find("<ofx>"))!=string::npos)){
00081             ofx_start=true;
00082             s_buffer.erase(0,ofx_start_idx);//Fix for really broken files that don't have a newline after the header.
00083             message_out(DEBUG,"ofx_proc_file():<OFX> has been found");
00084           }
00086           if(ofx_start==true&&ofx_end==false){
00087             s_buffer=sanitize_proprietary_tags(s_buffer);
00088             //cout<< s_buffer<<"\n";
00089             tmp_file.write(s_buffer.c_str(), s_buffer.length());
00090           }
00092           if(ofx_start==true&&(s_buffer.find("</OFX>")!=string::npos||s_buffer.find("</ofx>")!=string::npos)){
00093             ofx_end=true;
00094             message_out(DEBUG,"ofx_proc_file():</OFX> has been found");
00095           }
00097         }while(!input_file.eof()&&!input_file.bad());
00098       }
00099     input_file.close();
00100     tmp_file.close();
00101     strncpy(filename_dtd,find_dtd().c_str(),255);//The dtd file
00102     if(filename_dtd!=NULL)
00103       {
00104         strncpy(filename_ofx,tmp_filename,255);//The processed ofx file
00105         filenames[0]=filename_dtd;
00106         filenames[1]=filename_ofx;
00107         ofx_proc_sgml(2,filenames);
00108         if(remove(tmp_filename)!=0)
00109           { 
00110             message_out(ERROR,"ofx_proc_file(): Error deleting temporary file "+string(tmp_filename));
00111           }
00112       }
00113     else
00114       {
00115         message_out(ERROR,"ofx_proc_file(): FATAL: Missing DTD, aborting");
00116       }
00117   }
00118   else{
00119     message_out(ERROR,"ofx_proc_file():No input file specified");
00120   }
00121   return 0;
00122 }
00128 string sanitize_proprietary_tags(string input_string)
00129 {
00130   unsigned int i;
00131   size_t input_string_size;
00132   bool strip=false;
00133   bool tag_open=false;
00134   int tag_open_idx=0;//Are we within < > ?
00135   bool closing_tag_open=false;//Are we within </ > ?
00136   int orig_tag_open_idx=0;
00137   bool proprietary_tag=false; //Are we within a proprietary element?
00138   bool proprietary_closing_tag=false;
00139   int crop_end_idx=0;
00140   char buffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]="";
00141   char tagname[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]="";
00142   int tagname_idx=0;
00143   char close_tagname[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]="";
00145   for(i=0;i<READ_BUFFER_SIZE;i++){
00146     buffer[i]=0;
00147     tagname[i]=0;
00148     close_tagname[i]=0;
00149   }
00151   input_string_size=input_string.size();
00153   for(i=0;i<=input_string_size;i++){
00154     if(input_string.c_str()[i]=='<'){
00155       tag_open=true;
00156       tag_open_idx=i;
00157       if(proprietary_tag==true&&input_string.c_str()[i+1]=='/'){
00158         //We are now in a closing tag
00159         closing_tag_open=true;
00160         //cout<<"Comparaison: "<<tagname<<"|"<<&(input_string.c_str()[i+2])<<"|"<<strlen(tagname)<<endl;
00161         if(strncmp(tagname,&(input_string.c_str()[i+2]),strlen(tagname))!=0){
00162           //If it is the begining of an other tag
00163           //cout<<"DIFFERENT!"<<endl;
00164           crop_end_idx=i-1;
00165           strip=true;
00166         }
00167         else{
00168           //Otherwise, it is the start of the closing tag of the proprietary tag
00169           proprietary_closing_tag=true;
00170         }
00171       }
00172       else if(proprietary_tag==true){
00173         //It is the start of a new tag, following a proprietary tag
00174         crop_end_idx=i-1;
00175         strip=true;
00176       }
00177     }
00178     else if(input_string.c_str()[i]=='>'){
00179       tag_open=false;
00180       closing_tag_open=false;
00181       tagname[tagname_idx]=0;
00182       tagname_idx=0;
00183       if(proprietary_closing_tag==true){
00184         crop_end_idx=i;
00185         strip=true;
00186       }
00187     }
00188     else if(tag_open==true&&closing_tag_open==false){
00189       if(input_string.c_str()[i]=='.'){
00190         if(proprietary_tag!=true){
00191           orig_tag_open_idx = tag_open_idx;
00192           proprietary_tag=true;
00193         }
00194       }
00195       tagname[tagname_idx]=input_string.c_str()[i];
00196       tagname_idx++;
00197     }
00198     //cerr <<i<<endl;
00199     if(strip==true)
00200       {
00201         input_string.copy(buffer,(crop_end_idx-orig_tag_open_idx)+1,orig_tag_open_idx);
00202         message_out(INFO,"sanitize_proprietary_tags() (end tag or new tag) removed: "+string(buffer));
00203         input_string.erase(orig_tag_open_idx,(crop_end_idx-orig_tag_open_idx)+1);
00204         i=orig_tag_open_idx-1;
00205         proprietary_tag=false;
00206         proprietary_closing_tag=false;
00207         closing_tag_open=false;
00208         tag_open=false;
00209         strip=false;
00210       }
00212   }//end for
00213   if(proprietary_tag==true){
00214     if(crop_end_idx==0){//no closing tag
00215       crop_end_idx=input_string.size()-1;
00216     }
00217     input_string.copy(buffer,(crop_end_idx-orig_tag_open_idx)+1,orig_tag_open_idx);
00218     message_out(INFO,"sanitize_proprietary_tags() (end of line) removed: "+string(buffer));
00219     input_string.erase(orig_tag_open_idx,(crop_end_idx-orig_tag_open_idx)+1);
00220   }
00221   return input_string;
00222 }
00231 string find_dtd(const int requested_version)
00232 {
00233   int i;
00234   ifstream dtd_file;
00235   string dtd_filename;
00236   string dtd_path_filename;
00237   bool dtd_found=false;
00239   dtd_filename="ofx160.dtd";
00241   for(i=0;i<DTD_SEARCH_PATH_NUM&&dtd_found==false;i++){
00242     dtd_path_filename=DTD_SEARCH_PATH[i];
00243     dtd_path_filename.append(dtd_filename);
00244     dtd_file.clear();
00246     if(!dtd_file){
00247       message_out(DEBUG,"find_dtd():Unable to open the file "+dtd_path_filename);
00248     }
00249     else{
00250       message_out(STATUS,"find_dtd():DTD found: "+dtd_path_filename);
00251       dtd_file.close();
00252       dtd_found=true;
00253     }
00254   }
00255   if(dtd_found==false){
00256     message_out(ERROR,"find_dtd():Unable to find the DTD for the requested version");
00257     dtd_path_filename="";
00258   }
00259   return dtd_path_filename;
00260 }

Generated on Fri Sep 12 00:35:47 2003 for LibOFX by doxygen 1.3.3